R.I.P. John Romita, Sr.
Slurpee Rebrands
UK announces Warhammer stamps
PRACTICAL IP - Is federal copyright registration worth the time and effort?
Don’t tell, Frodo. It’ll just upset him.
Goodbye, Punisher
PRACTICAL IP – Are Embedded Hyperlinks Enforceable as a Contract?
Comics publisher IDW struggles to survive
Pepsi rebrands as PEPSI
Can anyone own the TACO TUESDAY trademark?
PRACTICAL IP – International Trademarks and The Madrid Protocol
IKEA can’t take a joke
I was at WonderCon 2023
Google unleashes ChatGPT competitor, the AI chatbot Bard
Coca-Cola bottler leads the move away from plastic aluminum can packaging
WonderCon 2023 is (almost) here!
Happy St, Patrick’s Trademarks Day
ChatGPT 4.0 is Here! But, does it really matter?
Buffalo Wild Wings under fire for 'mislabeling' chicken parts
Hungry for math? Then, You Should Celebrate Pi Day