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Writer's pictureDavid Baker

SDCC2023 Event Guide Is Out!

Better start planning your schedule and packing your snacks now

Ready or not, SDCC2023 has released the schedule for the upcoming popular media extravaganza. And, despite a number of big-name studios opting out of this year’s con due to the ongoing writer’s strike, there will still be more than enough for attendees to see, do, and remember for years to come.

If you’re one of those fans whose approach to San Diego Comic-Con includes the motto ‘Hall H or Die,’ there will, of course, be plenty worth camping out for hours in line. But don’t forget to check out all the events happening outside Hall H. I know I’ve already circled a number of panels, including,

  • On Thursday, I’ll certainly be in Ballroom 20 of the San Diego Convention Center 20 at 4:30 pm for the What We Do in the Shadows panel and then I’ll stay in place for the 5:45 pm Archer voice talent and production crew get-together. They’re always a lot of laughs.

  • On Friday, I won’t miss the back-to-back-to back panels in the Indigo Ballroom of Rick and Morty (starting at 2:00 pm), Solar Opposites (3:00 pm), The Great North (4:00 pm), and Bob’s Burgers (5:00 pm). I’m not really a North fan, but the other three will more than make up for it.

  • Saturday is usually crazy in the main hall at SDCC, but it’s also a perfect day for watching a huge array of cosplay, meeting up with friends I only see at the cons, and tracking down important pieces of my nerd collection that I didn’t realize I was missing. Still, I’ll make time to see Bill Shatner in Hall H at 4:30 pm who’ll be discussing his new documentary You Can Call Me Bill.

  • And, finally, on Sunday, the last day of the con, I’ll be picking up those stragglers for my comic book collection and saying my “Goodbye, I’ll see you guys next year” to my annual SDCC buddies.

While you’re at Comic-Con be sure to say “Hi” when you see me. I’ll be the middle aged, lawyerly dude who looks like he’s channeling his 14-year-old and really wouldn’t complain if they held SDCC once a month. (Mrs. Baker would find that very problematic but not me.)

If you’re still undecided about how to spend your time, you can check out the entire lineup at Comic-Con 2023: Schedule.

See you in San Diego!


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