Luckily, there are always new developments in the IP world to keep us distracted.

Whether it was street artist Banksy’s recent social commentary/graffiti caper on the walls of (former) Reading Prison in the U.K. or the sale of one of his pieces, Morons, by Injective Protocol, a cryptocurrency company, which then burned it (yes, burned it into nonexistence) while broadcasting live through a Twitter account @BurntBanksy. However, before going up in flames, Injective Protocol had digitized Morons into a non-fungible token (or NFT) so that the digital version could still be sold for a pretty penny.

#Banksy #Art #Graffitti #ArtWorld #Morons #IntellectualProperty #Copyrights #CopyrightLaw #IPLawyer #OCLawyer #DavidBaker